To quote a wise woman, No manners is worse than no money. And, unfortunately, this lack of manners does not rear its ugly head just among the young. No, no, no - even those my age and older suffer from this malady and I fear they have either lost or never had good home training.
Whatever happened to saying "thank you" when a gift was received? Verbal and electronic acknowledgments simply do not count, but sadly they are more welcome than no response whatsoever! I want a handwritten note, preferably with impeccable penmanship and on very expensive stationery. I do make exceptions, however:
And although he did not have the appropriate vocabulary to say, "Thank you for the lovely gift subscription to Ladybug magazine that will be sure to enlighten and educate me," four-year-old Walter made his true feelings known by sketching a shoe on a monster, in graphite.
Lesson learned?