Monday, August 16, 2010

Spuddy Buddy

I got the news this morning that my Uncle Spud, aka "Spuddy Buddy," was hit by a car this morning. He had to go see my old friend, Dr. Davis, at Plantation Centre Animal Hospital in Macon, but all is well. No broken bones.

Spud is a dachshund, a "short-legged, elongated dog breed of the hound family." The name is of German origin and literally means "badger dog." While I was bred to hunt rabbits, Spuddy was born to scent, chase and flush badgers out of burrows. I think we're related because, not only are we both vertically challenged, but (according to Wikipedia) dachshunds descended from scent hounds, such as bloodhounds, pointers, Basset Hounds, or even Bruno Jura Hounds.

Spud sure did love my predecessor, Beauregard. Here he is with Noel and Beau eating Cheerios:

I wasn't sure that Spud would like me when I came along. He missed Beau too much. But he finally realized that I made a pretty good playtime partner. And in the end, that's what it's all about.

Get well soon, Spuddy Buddy.

Love, your friend,

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