Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

For me, the best part of each day - other than 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. when I must be fed on.the.dot - is when my mom comes home from work. If it's nice weather, that means I get to take a walk around my neighborhood and unwind from my long day of napping at home alone.

My new neighborhood has a name - Ardsley Park - and it was voted the best neighborhood in Savannah. The plan of Ardsley Park, a regular grid with landscaped squares, is a 20th century variant of Oglethorpe's original city plan. It is made up of all the homes bounded by Victory Drive on the north to 55th Street on the south, and by Waters Avenue on the east to Bull Street on the west.

Enough history, on to the important stuff. Usually we walk through the park at Battey and on until we get to where one of my new friends, Griffindore, lives. I call him Griffin for short. He waits on the steps of his house and when he sees me and my mom walking down Battey, he starts howling like some kind of basset hound. Actually, that's because he is a basset hound. He looks just like me except he is brown where I am white.

After leaving Griffin's house we walk past the house with the ginormous lemon tree. We have to walk down this street because my mom has a fixation with any kind of citrus trees. I heard my pa say it is a sickness. Anyway, we continue walking to another park where other people are walking their dogs too. I always try to make friends, because you can never have too many friends, especially if they have treats. This park has lots of trees, and I almost always see squirrels, my favorite things to chase. Maybe one day I will catch one, but until then, it's back to my house, where I patiently await the 7 p.m. question, "Sadie, do you want supper?"


  1. Sadie, will you walk with me? I promise to dress nicely.

  2. Only if you promise to pick up my poo, boo.
